Hello! My name is Mr. Sean. I am so happy to be here at Salesian Yip Hon Millennium Primary School. It has been such a great experience to meet all the students over the past few months. Thank you for making me feel so welcome!
I am from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is very, very cold there. So, I am happy for all the warm weather that we have in Hong Kong. I have no brothers or sisters, but I do have one dog. Her name is Sadie. She lives back home in Calgary.
I have been living and teaching in Hong Kong for almost eight years. I think Hong Kong is a very interesting city. It is very busy but there is lots of good food to eat and exciting places to explore. I love to eat spicy food. Spicy hot pot is my favourite! I also like hiking, reading and going to the movies.
I would love to learn more about you! You can come to the English Room anytime to chat in English. We can talk about food, movies or anything you like!