English Musical – [Hong Kong Drama Festival]
Objective: | Through musical and drama training, students are encouraged to move, speak and respond to one another in English. It gives children opportunities to explore, discuss and deal with difficult issues and to express their emotions in a supportive environment. After a few months of training, students will take part in the performance for ‘Hong Kong Drama Festival’. |
Target students: | P.4-5 students |
Training schedule: | 3:30-5:00pm every Monday (about 4-5 months) |
Cantonese Opera in English
Objective: |
Target students: | P.2-3 students |
Training schedule: | 3:30-5:00pm every Monday (whole year) |
Solo-verse Speaking Training – [Hong Kong Speech Festival]
Objective: |
Target students: | P.1-6 students |
Training schedule: | Recess/ lunch break/ after school |
Choral Speaking Training – [Hong Kong Speech Festival]
Objective: |
Target students: | P.2-3 group / P.4-5 group |
Training schedule: | Recess/ lunch break/ after school |
English Musical
1718 student list:
陳耀輝 | 4A |
張洛兒 | 4A |
徐嘉恩 | 4A |
郭倩宇 | 4A |
李頌琪 | 4A |
吳采頤 | 4A |
黃文雅 | 4B |
張朗熙 | 4C |
李栢熙 | 4C |
呂栢豪 | 4C |
黃樂榕 | 4C |
楊朗軒 | 4C |
李穎瑜 | 4E |
梁靖喬 | 4E |
陳曉瀅 | 5A |
李敏 | 5A |
盧心悅 | 5A |
李瑋瀚 | 5A |
梁詠詩 | 5C |
黃穎妍 | 5D |